Our Global Workers

Use the information below to pray for, email, subscribe or financially support our Global Workers. If you need more information please email us at outreach@pcmaofepc.org

Andrew & Norine

Andrew and Norine provide training for leaders and prepare for harvest and increased persecution in the old Ottoman Empire area. They also help to prepare the church in the West for persecution and provide training for the new sending sources to the Muslim world (Asia and Latin America).

As & Ly

As and Ly lead a sports-based outreach and discipleship ministry and consult on public health projects as leaders of an Engage 2025 church-planting team.


Based in Virginia, Ashraf is the founder of Words of Eternal Life (WEL), a ministry to Arab speaking people and Egypt.

B & M

B and M are tentmaker/educators. Through their wide circle of acquaintances and friends, they share the gospel and engage seekers in Bible study. They serve under a co-op agreement with Frontiers.

(If you would like to contact B & M, email outreach@pcmaofepc.org, and we will give you their contact information privately since they are in a very sensitive area.)

Bruce & Ellie

Bruce and Ellie are based in Virginia. Bruce is a theological specialist with ITEN (International Theological Education Network) and he is also the President of the Institute for Reformation (IFR) with particular expertise and involvement in Eastern Europe.

Bryan & Ann

Based in North Carolina, Bryan is the Regional Director for Africa with Timothy Two Project International where he trains pastors through a series of four workshops, and Ann trains children’s ministry leaders. They train small groups of pastors who are then commissioned to train other pastors, thus greatly multiplying their impact. They choose and further train a few key pastors in each country who then are sent to train other pastors in their country.

Dan & Beth

Based in North Carolina, Dan and Beth are itinerant teaching missionaries to Latin America with Timothy Two Project International. Dan trains pastors and ministry leaders who have no access to formal theological training. As the Regional Director for Latin America, he coordinates the work of the National Missionary Partners who provide TTPI training to pastors in their own countries. Beth trains children’s ministry leaders in how to teach children more effectively as well as inductive Bible study methods.

J & D

J and D serve under Pioneers as Regional Leaders of the SAMSEA Region (South Asia/Mainland Southeast Asia). In this role they begin new ministry initiatives among the unreached as well as encourage and strengthen teams and servant-leaders, to keep everyone moving in the direction God calls.   J also is involved with face-to-face discipleship training of new M*lim background believers in various parts of Africa and the Middle East. 

Jeff & Alma

Jeff and Alma are trained mental health therapists. They hope to come under a local church’s guidance to be a support with a goal of healthy discipleship multiplication, especially focusing on the least reached refugees from Muslim countries who don’t know the hope of the Gospel. They are currently raising support.

L & L

L and L bring their experience in business, health care, evangelism and discipleship to coach and support colleagues across their region. They serve under a co-op agreement with Pioneers.


La is a recent appointee with World Outreach; she serves under a co-op agreement with TeachBeyond. She will be “training children in the way they should go” (Proverbs 22:6), teaching them about the Lord and to know the Lord, as well as teaching English in a multicultural setting in a French school in France. La is currently raising support.

Mark & Meghan

Based in Guatemala City, Guatemala, Mark is the Pastor of the Union Church Guatemala (UCG), an interdenominational, international, and evangelical church. Meghan is a 4th grade teacher at the Christian Academy of Guatemala serving missionary kids.

Paul & Elizabeth

Based in Guatemala, Paul and Elizabeth serve under World Outreach at ITEN (International Theological Education Network). Paul is the General Secretary of the Latin American Association of Evangelical Theological Education, and professor at SETECA (the Central American Theological Seminary). Elizabeth leads a ministry to at-risk children.

Phil & Diane

From their base in Virginia, Phil and Diane serve as WO’s East Area Associates for Missions Advancement and Missionary Prayer Coordinators.


Stephanie is an international Theological Education Specialist serving under a co-op agreement with SERGE. Based in Nairobi, Stephanie travels in Africa and Asia to teach in theological seminaries and strengthen partnerships in theological training for the next generation of the global church.

R & E

R and E work and pray to see the peoples of West Asia/Central Asia enjoying Jesus and giving the honor due His name by forming fellowships that live out His Kingdom come in their community. They are involved in discipleship and evangelism. They are also involved in engineering work to help provide jobs for believers and be a physical blessing in their community.

Steve & Rissa

Based in North Carolina, Steve trains pastors and ministry leaders throughout the Majority World, principally in Asia. As the International Director of Timothy Two Project International, he is also heavily involved in various administrative and operational activities.

T & D

Serving churches by training, equipping, discipling global workers in a 9 month program overseas for future ministry in unreached people groups. Our primary role is mentoring and encouraging our students. We serve under a co-op agreement with Pioneers.