Supporting the Presbytery Mission
Won’t you join us and give generously to the ministry of our Presbytery?
Thank you for standing with us through your prayers and giving! We are truly a mission sending agency reaching our region and beyond with the good news of the grace of God found in Jesus Christ alone! Your donations will allow the Presbytery of the Coastal Mid-Atlantic to strategically support our four Gospel Priorities: Church Planting, Church Health, Global Movement and Effective Biblical Leadership.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) Giving
We have now setup an account to accept ACH payments. Currently this method of payment is only available to pay of transfer funds in support of Percent of Income (POI) payments.
The ACH network is an electronic transfer of funds from one bank account to another bank account and is a means to effectively and efficiently electronically transfer funds between bank accounts. ACH transfers normally only take one or two days to complete a transaction and is totally secure.
If your church is interested in this method of funds transfer, please contact the Presbytery Assistant Treasurer at to start the process.
Percentage of Income Explained
You will find more information and guidance in the POI giving form found in the Quicklinks bar below.
No longer based on member count
Studies found that “per member asking” was no longer a viable marker. Percentage of budget takes into account most variables.
Not mandated
Remember, this is not a tax, nor is it a requirement. We hope you will support the work at the presbytery level as we work to support you at the local church level.
Percentage of Income not Total Budget
The determining figure would be based on your operational budget, not your total budget.
Note: This year’s percentage may have to be adjusted in future years to accommodate ongoing and new presbytery expenses.
Mailing address
Presbytery of the Coastal Mid-Atlantic
PO Box 2576
Pawleys Island, SC 29585-2576
This description and form will help your church understand the new P.o.I. giving suggestion.
give Online
Thank you for giving to the mission of the Presbytery!
This link is NOT intended for percentage of budget gifts.
Use this FILLABLE form to request reimbursement of authorized expenses. Save it to your computer and attach your completed form to your email.
(last updated 1/21/2025)